2022 Mandatory - 36 Ways to Lose Your License

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Details About This Course:

The course focuses on causes which when performed in violation of License Law, the Law of Agency, or Rules and Regulations may result in a licensee having their license censured, suspended, or revoked. The 2022 mandatory course will be presented with clearly articulated PowerPoint, reading material that covers each cause highlighted in Louisiana License Law Section 1455, and custom case studies. The scenarios of the case studies involve licensees who are in violation. Each scenario will be presented with best practices to avoid such situations.

This course satisfies the mandatory 4 hours required by the LREC for Louisiana licensees due for license renewal in 2022.

This course section is an online self-study course accessible at your convenience. There are no required course meetings with an instructor, all work can be completed online at your own pace.

Price: $25.00